| And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. - Mark 16:15 | |
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Low Price Guarantee: We believe strongly in giving you value for your hard-earned dollar. Add that to our high-quality offerings, and you get more for less every time you order! | All Items are Processed within Two Business Days |
| Minister License | Receive by mail your Minister's License Certificate on cotton bond paper with gold foil seal. A beautiful document you can frame and hang in your home or office. |
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| Bishop License | Receive by mail your Bishop's License Certificate on cotton bond paper with gold foil seal. A beautiful document you can frame and hang in your home or office. |
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| Chaplain License | Receive by mail your Chaplain's License Certificate on cotton bond paper with gold foil seal. A beautiful document you can frame and hang in your home or office. |
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| Minister Letter of Good Standing | After payment, return to “Minister’s Tools” on the menu bar to immediately print your Letter of Good Standing. Be official TODAY! (You will also receive a copy with gold-foil seal by mail). |
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| Minister Package | Minister's License Certificate on cotton bond paper with gold foil seal, three Letters of Good Standing, three Minister's I.D. Cards, five Marriage Certificates on specialty linen paper and vinyl Minister Bumper Sticker. Limited Time: 2 free Pastor Parking Hang-Tags for your car, when you purchase this item! |
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| Minister I.D. Card (Quantity 10) | These attractive and affordable cards speak to your legitimacy as an ordained minister. In addition, you may find them a useful tool for receiving clergy discounts at stores and admittance to certain events. |
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| Independent Church Charter Certificate | We are excited to have you as a member of our church family. Purchase this attractive wall-mountable certificate on cotton bond paper with gold foil seal. Showcase your church charter status! |
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| Marriage Certificates (Quantity 5) | After performing a wedding ceremony, offer one of these beautiful keepsakes to the happy couple. They will really appreciate you for it! |
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| Laminated Wallet Diploma | By popular request, we now offer the NEW Laminated Wallet-Sized Diploma. Keep your regular diploma safe and undamaged, while you carry this! |
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| High School Transcript | We now offer transcripts to those who graduate high school at Saint Gregory. Often useful for employment or promotion, these attractive documents come notarized, with raised gold foil seal. |
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| High School Diploma | Need your high school graduation diploma for employment or promotion? Let us send you this beautiful wall-mountable certificate. Showcase your achievement for family, friends and colleagues. |
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| High School Diploma and
High School Transcript | Need your high school graduation diploma and transcript for employment or promotion? Let us send you this beautiful wall-mountable certificate. Showcase your achievement for family, friends and colleagues. The transcript comes notarized, with raised gold foil seal. |
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| Home School Document Package | Do you or someone you know home school? At graduation time, come here to prepare their wall diploma, transcript and laminated wallet diploma. You can add, edit and delete information for as many graduates as you wish, then place orders here. The Home School Document Package includes 2 high school diplomas, complete with gold foil seal on specialty paper, ready for your signature as school administrator, 3 official transcripts with gold foil seal, and 1 laminated wallet diploma. |
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| Pastoral Counselor Certification | Order your Pastoral Counseling Certificate today! Join the ranks of trained helping professionals. Minister to families and individuals. |
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| Honorary Christian Degrees | |
| Doctor of Christian Music | Attractive wall-mountable Doctor of Christian Music on cotton bond paper with gold foil seal. Showcase at home or in the office. |
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| Doctor of Divinity | Attractive wall-mountable Doctor of Divinity Diploma on cotton bond paper with gold foil seal. Showcase at home or in the office. |
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| Doctor of Theology | Attractive wall-mountable Doctor of Theology Diploma on cotton bond paper with gold foil seal. Showcase at home or in the office. |
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| Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies | Attractive wall-mountable Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies Diploma on cotton bond paper with gold foil seal. Showcase at home or in the office. |
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| Master of Divinity | Attractive wall-mountable Master of Divinity Diploma on cotton bond paper with gold foil seal. Showcase at home or in the office. |
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| Professional Quality Transcript | Professional quality professional transcript on cotton bond specialty paper with gold foil seal. Hand-prepared and customized for you. Please complete Transcript Services from the menu before adding to cart. |
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| Professional Quality Transcript (Quantity 3) | Professional quality professional transcript on cotton bond specialty paper with gold foil seal. Hand-prepared and customized for you. Please complete Transcript Services from the menu before adding to cart. You will receive 3 copies of your transcripts with this order. |
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| Copyright © 1988 - 2024 Missionary Chapel and Seminary |