And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. - Mark 16:15
Missionary Chapel Roster of Chartered Churches
The Way
Founded: October 28th, 2017
Founder: Missionary Penny Morris
Location: Bridgeport, Illinois, USA
The Way Ministries
Founded: February 7th, 2018
Founder: Evangelist Francie Henderson
Location: Auburn, Washington, USA
The Way Ministries
Founded: April 4th, 2018
Founder: Bishop John Hochstetler
Location: Omaha, Nebraska, USA
The Well Of Salvation Church
Founded: April 29th, 2017
Founder: Pastor Gaigin Houle
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Think Smart E. V.
Founded: December 23rd, 2019
Founder: Bishop Robin Fox
Location: Neustadt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Third Dimenzion Partners
Founded: February 17th, 2016
Founder: Missionary Parnel Abraham
Location: Tucker, Georgia, USA
Those Of That Way That Follow After Jesus Christ
Founded: February 17th, 2015
Founder: Minister Roger Dale Hall
Location: Wenatchee, Washington, USA
Thousand Galaxy Christian Centre
Founded: August 2nd, 2014
Founder: Pastor Isibella De-Goddess
Location: Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Thronegrace Chapel And Seminary
Founded: June 4th, 2019
Founder: Pastor Benjamin Anson
Location: Anum, Eastern, Ghana
Timeless Truth
Founded: February 24th, 2017
Founder: Prophet Josue Giron
Location: Lubbock, Texas, USA
Total Faith And Forgiveness Outreach Ministry
Founded: May 6th, 2016
Founder: Reverend Robert Beasley
Location: Decatur, Georgia, USA
Total Revival Ministry
Founded: March 29th, 2020
Founder: Reverend Michael Rice Jr
Location: Windsor Mill, Maryland, USA
Transformation College & Chapel
Founded: December 23rd, 2018
Founder: Chaplain Linda Lewis
Location: Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Transforming Mindz Ministries
Founded: September 27th, 2012
Founder: Evangelist Lorie Mayfield
Location: Longview, Texas, USA
Tree Of Life Ministry
Founded: July 11th, 2015
Founder: Reverend Jerald Joseph
Location: Tampa, Florida, USA
Tri Community Chaplain Corps
Founded: July 6th, 2013
Founder: Chaplain Kevin Walker Sr
Location: Holly Hills, Florida, USA
Trinity Ark Deliverance Ministry Inc
Founded: April 20th, 2022
Founder: Bishop Revjohnson Sunday
Location: Lagos, Washington, Nigeria
Trinity Believer's Communal Church
Founded: June 18th, 2014
Founder: Reverend Reverand Timothy Lee Petrey
Location: Wartburg, Tennessee, USA
Trisagion Orthodox Christian Assembly
Founded: September 30th, 2013
Founder: Reverend Joseph W. Watson Sr.
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Triumphant Crusader's International Mianistry
Founded: December 13th, 2019
Founder: Bishop Ogunbamerun Iyanu
Location: Ondo City, Nebraska, Nigeria
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