And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. - Mark 16:15
C B Ministries International
Founder: Reverend Christopher Birstler
Founded: October 29th 2016
Location: Staten Island, New York, USA
Phone: 5166376781

About the Church
I plan on starting church services, bible studies, prayer meetings and ect. as soon as possible. i also plan on having ministries to benefit victims of domestic violence and first responders among other ministries.
About Reverend Birstler
I am available to perform any and all functions of a pastor that you, your loved ones, church, and community may need. i am available as a fill in pastor for your ministry should you fall ill, take a sabbatical, or need coverage for any other reasons. I am very good with the youth and elderly and have a huge heart for the underprivileged and marginalized members of society. I am a certified pastoral counselor and not only am willing to counsel but also be of service as a ethics counselor and advise on moral and ethical situations from a Godly perspective. I am willing to act as a ethics consultant to your ministry or to you personally. I am an expert on abuse and can also do training's on domestic violence, sexual violence and and human trafficking. I am the author of a self help book on domestic violence and also have a copyrighted prayer for those suffering from abuse that i wrote. I am willing to discuss possible distribution of my prayer. I hold 3 coaching certifications and am willing to provide life coaching with a christian approach. I can help you find your ministry calling, formulate an action plan and get you started and running in ministry. I completed a 3 day domestic violence and human trafficking course as well as a 40 + hour rape / domestic violence crisis advocate training and a online human trafficking course and am in the process of obtaining a more prestigious credential in human trafficking with a christian focus. i am getting my board certification in health care advocacy as well as my crime victim national advocacy credential early mid 2019. I hold a certificate of special recognition from the united states house of representatives and am an active member of the united states coast guard auxiliary and the knights templar international. I was appointed to the new york police departments citizens police academy which is a very prestigious and highly selective honor.
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